Compared to 2020, 2021 has certainly been an improvement for us all, whether it be in your personal or professional lives. Saying that, it’s still been a year filled with unique challenges posed by the global pandemic and Brexit.
It was a year that saw our team return fully to the Kirkstall Precision Engineering site and remain incredibly disciplined in their adherence to Covid guidelines. The strict measures we put in place, and our people embracing following them, meant our employees protected both each other, our customers, and our business.
Implementing new business systems.
2021 will always be labelled as our year of recovery at Kirkstall. In addition to Brexit there have also been some huge regulation changes in the medical engineering sector, which we have successfully adjusted to meet. We have also successfully implemented a whole new business system that has improved efficiencies, internal processes and resulted in an enhanced offering to all our clients.
These improvements really paid off when it came round to some independent audits which we passed with flying colours with zero non-conformances. With such great achievements being created by the whole team pulling together and with them physically being apart for most of the year, it made sense for us to bond over a team-building day.
The 2021 team-building day
The Yorkshire Activity centre provided the perfect back drop and facilities for our team to rediscover the joys of collaborative working. It really brought home to us all the power and joy of being together and we are pleased to announce we’ll be doing something festive with the entire team this year and closing early so we can celebrate a successful year with some well-earned drinks and food.
The close of the year and the year ahead.
One thing that has really crowned off 2021 for us all at Kirkstall is a healthy order book and some long-term commitments from customers who have been impressed with our commitment to quality standards and precision excellence.
These commitments have ensured we are able to plan-ahead in terms of our people and machinery. We’ve already begun looking at our team structure and how we can up-skill existing people, bring in new people and reward those who have truly excelled this year.
In fact, our people remain a focus for the management at Kirkstall Precision Engineering. Along with advanced training we continue to offer flexible working and a range of great incentives to ensure our culture is one that combines hard work, fun and excellence with fitting rewards.
We intend to build on or new ERP system and will be suing the power of data insights to refine internal processes further. We also aim to make a record investment in innovation, plant and equipment in 2022 to offer our customers both great value and high precision solutions that ensure we remain a leading light in the precision engineering sector.